Saturday, February 27, 2016

A little reading to do

Hi! As I recently told you at class, we have to read a book this year (me included), in order to improve our knowledge.

The book chosen is Bookworms Club Stories for Reading Circles Ruby, edited by Oxford. This book is a compillation of different short stories adapted to intermediate level, except for the last two ones, which increase difficulty to a more advanced level.

This year, instead of writing a review, we'll prepare and hold a reading circle, which means we'll discuss one of the stories together having previously prepared it individually at home. For doing that, we'll use different role sheets which wil tell you what to do. I'll tell you more about this soon.

We'll do the reading circle session after Easter. That is to say, you must read the book by that time.

Bookworms Club is available at the bookshops Hipérbole and Vara de Rey in Ibiza, or alternatively, you can also find it here or here.

Good reading!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Letter of Application

Hi everyone!

In this post you'll find two resources for your letter of application. The first one, as follows, is the slides document with the guidelines and a sample text.

Letter of Application

The second resource is an online lesson from the BBC Learning English, to practice further the structures, and useful language.

And remember that the task is due for this week!