Online exercises for further practice

Dependent prepositions

  1.         Speak Speak: verbs and prepositions.
  2. Another activity of Speak Speak.
  3. Ece English: adjectives and prepositions.
  4. Ece English: adjectives and prepositions.
  5. Tiny TEFL Teacher: verbs and prepositions.
  6. Quiz.
  7. Gap-fill exercise (harder, but worthwile).
  8. Quizlet: in here you'll find a list of sentences with dependent prepositions with the possibility of listening to them. After you check these, you can try the flashcards to test your memory (with sound too), the speller or dictation, translating them, and finally taking the test.
  9. English 4 u: adjectives and prepositions. You've got a list and three exercises below to test yourself.
  10. IH Bristol: multiple choice gap-filling activity.
  11. Random Idea English.

Prepositions of place and movement

Used to, be used to, get used to

  1. British Council Learn English
  2. My English Pages (for the exercise, click on the link below the explanation).
  3. Ejercicio de inglés. You have an explanation in Spanish and 5 different exercises.
  4. La web del inglés. This one's not as interactive as the previous websites, but you also have the keys to correct.
  5. Speak Speak
  6. English Grammar Secrets. Here you'll find exercises for matching sentence halves, completing a text, and completing and ordering sentences.
  7. Using English. Maybe it's not the prettiest, and the exercise is quite basic, but it can serve as a thorough reminder of when to use gerund and when to use infinitive.

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